Duke CFAR Special Seminar

Neuroimmune and Inflammatory Responses in Acute SIV Infection

Dr. Tan is a physician scientist with clinical expertise in transplant infectious diseases and laboratory research focusing on neuroviral
immunology. After graduating from MIT, Dr. Tan obtained her medical education and internal medicine training at New York
University, after which she continued her training in infectious disease at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and
Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston. Dr. Tan established her own laboratory and program at BIDMC/HMS, until her recent
relocation to the University of Iowa. The Tan laboratory primarily researches neuroimmunology and inflammation in response to
HIV/SIV, as well as the host immune response to the polyomaviruses JC and BK.

Zoom link: https://duke.zoom.us/j/99405299079?pwd=R3hNdHJ6OXUxSUF3eHMvM2oxWHRHQT09
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