The Clinical Core is integral to Duke CFAR activities by providing access for investigators to specified and carefully characterized populations of people with HIV (PWH); providing expert assistance in study design, implementation, and regulatory support; identifying new scientific opportunities based upon novel clinical observations; promoting interdisciplinary team science; and engaging investigators new to HIV/AIDS research. We emphasize bidirectional communication and engagement with communities of researchers and PWH in North Carolina and Tanzania through our Community Advisory Boards (CABs).

If you would like to request a service from the Clinical Core, please fill out this Service Request Form and email it to

The Clinical Core services fall into 5 broad categories:
Consultation on study design, implementation, analysis and manuscript preparation
Drs. Dow, Le, Okeke and McKellar are highly experienced clinical investigators, and their experience offers a great service to laboratory-based investigators and junior investigators who need human subjects for their research. They average 30 consultations on studies per year. These consultations may provide input on study design, study interventions, study outcome measures, appropriate subject populations, project implementation, adverse events, study analysis, interpretation of results, and publication of manuscripts.  

Clinical Research Support
The Clinical Core can assist with a number of issues related to the conduct of specific research studies. This may include consultations on study design, study feasibility and recruitment and retention issues. In addition, study coordinator assistance may be available for some studies. Salary support is requested for study coordinator assistance whenever possible. Stuart Carr has been working with various study teams on these issues for a number of years.
Regulatory Support    
Regulatory compliance is essential by all Duke CFAR investigators, and the Clinical Core provides expertise and assistance in ensuring compliance.  Regulatory support is the service most commonly requested by Clinical Core Users, and approximately 100 users access this service annually.  Given the number of international studies and the number of countries in which CFAR investigators are engaged in research, the management of regulatory compliance has become enormously complex. The CFAR Clinical Core can assist international partners with requirements for DUHS IRB submissions, human subject protection training, and other specific requirements related to their research. Stuart Carr and Kathy Link have many years of regulatory experience working with various types of studies in the United States and internationally. 
Database and Biorepository Access  
The Clinical Core has established a database and biorepository. This Database includes nearly 1900 HIV-infected persons receiving care in the Duke University Adult Infectious Diseases Clinic and will soon include approximately 100 HIV-infected children and adolescents receiving care in the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Clinic.  The demographics of these patient populations mirror the reported demographics for North Carolina (57% African American and 28% women). There are currently over 70,000 plasma samples in this biorepository.

For more detailed information, please click here.
Community Engagement
The Clinical Core will work with the recently created Durham-Duke CFAR Collaborative Community Council to assist with important opportunities to interact with the community, receive feedback on study proposals and disseminate research results back to the community.

The Moshi Community Advisory Board at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) meets monthly. They have separate meetings for a Youth CAB. The former Duke CFAR Community Advisory Board and the Moshi Community Advisory Board have been active within the National CFAR CAB Coalition in the past attending meetings in Philadelphia, Seattle and Boston and participating on conference calls. Bona Shirima is the Moshi CAB liaison. She has many years of experience working with the HIV- infected and HIV-affected communities.

Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Network of Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS)

The Hemophilia Growth and Development Study (HGDS) data and specimens

NIH HIV Clinical Trials Networks Specimen Repository

Duke HIV Database and Biorepository

NIAID HIV/AIDS Specimen Repository Programs - Includes data and/or specimens from Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) and Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS)

ACTG and IMPAACT Networks Repositories

HIV and Heart Disease

Addressing Barriers to Achieving Cardiometabolic Disorders Prevention and Treatment Goals for Persons Living with HIV in the Southeastern United States

Aim 1: To identify social determinants of cardiometabolic health and determine facilitators and modifiable barriers in achieving treatment goals utilizing in-depth interviews prompted by photo elicitation.
Aim 2: To assess knowledge, skills, and confidence for self-management of cardiometabolic disorders utilizing a Patient Activation Measure survey.
Aim 3: Guided by the Behavior Change Wheel model and using the human-centered design approach to tailor a self-management support and education intervention with stakeholder input to address barriers to achieving treatment goals for cardiometabolic disorders at the study sites.
Protocol Summary: In Aims 1 and 2, a total of 140 people living with HIV who have one or more of the following conditions: hypertension, dyslipidemia, or type 2 diabetes and are seen in Duke Clinic 1K, or Amity Medical Group and Eastowne Family Physicians in Charlotte were enrolled.

AIM1-( 20 participants) closed to enrollment
AIM2-(120 participants) closed to enrollment
AIM3-(10 key stakeholders: HIV providers, CAB representatives, nurses, etc.) open to enrollment Enrollment/Visit 1-3: Informed consent process followed by 3 virtual meetings over 3 months. Each virtual meeting will last 3 hours, engaging participants in tailoring self-management support and education interventions at the study sites.
Eligibility: Aims 1 and 2, people living with HIV, 35 or older, fluent in English, competent to give informed consent who have one or more of the following conditions: hypertension, dyslipidemia, or type 2 diabetes.
Contact: Laura Farrow, 919-668-0176

Addressing barriers to anti-hypertensive medication adherence among persons living with HIV who have achieved viral suppression

Purpose: To determine key barriers and facilitators of antihypertensive medications adherence for people living with HIV who have achieved viral suppression
Protocol Summary: Study will enroll up to 20 people living with HIV to participate in interviews on barriers and facilitators of antihypertensive medication and up to 70 people living with HIV will be enrolled to complete a survey to determine salient barriers that an intervention must address in order to increase antihypertensive medications adherence for people living with HIV who have achieved viral suppression. Enrollment into Aim 1A is closed. Aim 1B enrollment will consist of the informed consent process followed by the completion of a Best/Worst Survey. The visit should take about 30 minutes to complete. Aim 1B will occur virtually and in person in a private room in Clinic 1K.
Eligibility: People Living with HIV who have a suppressed HIV viral load (<200 copies/ml), hypertension (SBP >130mmHg on two occasions in the EMR within the last year and/or on anti-hypertensive medication), and on anti-hypertensive medication.
Location: Interviews will be conducted virtually over the phone on in a private room in Clinic 1K. Survey links will be sent virtually for the participant to complete.
Contact: Mersedes Brown, 919-668-7364


HIV and Kidney Disease

Persistence of HIV in the Kidney

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand HIV persistence and reactivation (bring back into action) in the kidney.  The study will investigate whether HIV in urine differs from HIV in blood and determine if the viruses present in urine are capable of infecting and replicating in susceptible cells. The study will also investigate whether HIV is present in certain cells in urine.
Protocol Summary:  Participants will be seen in Clinic 1K. They will be asked to collect a urine sample and have 20 mL of blood drawn. Ideally this blood is drawn at the same time as blood that is being drawn for routine care in the clinic. Participants are generally seen only one time but could be seen additional times if the participant still qualifies for the study.

Eligibility:  People living with HIV who are 18 years old or older who have a detectable HIV viral load of 200 copies/mL or higher.
Location: Clinic 1K
Contact: Stuart Carr 919-668-4849

HIV-1 Induced Kidney Inflammation during Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy

Purpose: People living with HIV-1 (PLWH) on effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) have a near-normal life expectancy, resulting in an expanding aged population. Unfortunately, PLWH are at an elevated risk for development of age-associated co-morbidities including chronic kidney disease (CKD) when compared to people living without HIV-1. At present, critical gaps in knowledge remain in our fundamental understanding of how HIV-1 infection promotes the development of CKD in PLWH on ART, thus constraining our ability to identify therapeutic strategies to maintain kidney health and reduce the need for dialysis or transplantation by preventing progression to kidney failure in this growing vulnerable population. The purpose of this study is to define how HIV-1 proteins and HIV-1-associated systemic inflammation promote kidney inflammation among PLWH on ART to enable identification of new therapies.
Protocol Summary: Participants will be seen in Clinic 1K. They will be asked to collect a urine sample and have up to 51 mL of blood drawn. Ideally this blood is drawn at the same time as blood that is being drawn for routine care in the clinic.
Eligibility: People living with HIV who are age 50 to <60 years old who are taking suppressive ART and who have had kept their HIV viral loads at 50 copies per mL or less over the last two years.
The following are some conditions that would exclude someone from participating:

  1. Chemotherapy treatment in the past 12 months.
  2. Diagnosed with kidney disease or kidney injury.
  3. Prior kidney transplant or dialysis.
  4. History of chronic inflammatory disease (example, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease).
  5. Chronic or current (less than 1 week) use of anti-inflammatory drugs including NSAIDS, steroids, or others may make the participant ineligible for the study.

Location: Clinic 1K
Contact: Stuart Carr 919-668-4849


HIV and Liver Disease

HNC001 - Steatosis in HIV: Prevalence and Predictors of Hepatic Steatosis in Persons Living with HIV

Purpose: To examine the prevalence of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) and NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) in Persons Living with HIV (PLWH).
Protocol Summary: Study will enroll up to 156 PLWH. Participants will have one study visit to complete a physical exam, a blood draw, a fibroscan (ultrasound-based test) and several questionnaires (alcohol and beverage intake, food intake and security, exercise, and sleep). This visit could take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
Eligibility: People Living with HIV who have a suppressed HIV viral load (<200 copies/ml), on ART for ≥6 months, and without hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection.
Location: Study visit in a private room in 1K or 2J Clinic. Surveys will be completed at visit, or a link will be sent virtually for the participant to complete.
Contact: Rebecca Mangus 919-668-3199

HNC-002 Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Persons Living with HIV Database Study (NAFLD in HIV Database)

Purpose: To examine the natural history and diagnosis of HIV-associated NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and to create the NAFLD in HIV Database in Persons Living with HIV (PLWH).
Protocol Summary: Study will enroll up to 50 PLWH. Study activities include a physical exam, a blood draw, a fibroscan (ultrasound-based test) and several questionnaires (alcohol and beverage intake, food intake and security, exercise, and sleep). This visit could take 1 to 2 hours to complete. Participation will be once a year for at least one year and up to four years.
Eligibility: People Living with HIV who have a suppressed HIV viral load (<200 copies/ml), on ART for ≥6 months,  and no change in ART class for ≥3 months and without hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection and one of the following: liver biopsy-confirmed NAFLD, NASH, or NASH-related cirrhosis at any point previously, and/or liver stiffness measurement (LSM) ≥6 kPa from FibroScan exam performed during screening or within 12 months prior to screening and a diagnosis of NAFLD at any time based on clinical and imaging (FibroScan CAP≥263 dB/m, ultrasound, CT or MRI) diagnosis, and/ or LSM ≥8 kPa from FibroScan exam performed during screening or within 12 months prior to screening, in the absence of CAP≥263 dB/m. No significant alcohol consumption (≥ 3 drinks daily on average in men and ≥ 2 drinks daily on average in women) within 2 years prior to screening.
Location: Study visit in a private room in 1K or 2J Clinic. Surveys will be completed at visit, or a link will be sent virtually for the participant to complete.
Contact: Rebecca Mangus 919-668-3199


HIV and Cognitive Function


Purpose: HIV infection and marijuana use can each affect the immune system and the brain, which in turn may affect cognitive functioning (for example, memory, attention, reasoning). The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of marijuana use on these processes and the immune system in youth with HIV.
Protocol Summary: Most participants will have 1 visit. Visit 1 includes a screening, questionnaires, neuropsychological tests, and a blood draw. A subset of participants who complete Visit 1 will be asked to participate in Part 2, Immune Profiling and PET MR Scan at UNC.
Eligibility: 18-35 years old, living with HIV for at least one year, suppressed viral load and on ART for at least 6 months, last CD4 count above 350, willing to have blood draw
Location: Duke Clinic 1K
Contact: Summer Granger 919-668-8854


HIV Treatment Study for Minors

Gilead GS-US-380-1474 Cohort 4, Group 4

Purpose: The main purpose is to evaluate the pharmacokinetics (PK) for GS-9883 (Bictegravir) and confirm dose in this age population/weight band, and to evaluate its safety and tolerability.
Protocol Summary: This study is an open-label, multicenter, multi-cohort, single-arm study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics (PK), safety, tolerability, and antiviral activity of B/F/TAF FDC (Biktarvy) in children living with HIV who are on antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for ≥ 1 month prior to screening or treatment naive. A participant is considered treatment naive if ARVs were given for prevention of perinatal/vertical transmission.
Eligibility: Children living with HIV who are ≥ 1 month of age, ≥ 3 to < 6 kg (≥ 6.6 to < 13 lbs). Other eligibility criteria apply and will be reviewed.
Intervention: Cohort 4: Group 4: ≥ 1 month of age, ≥ 3 to < 6 kg (≥ 6.6 to < 13 lbs.), ARV treatment naive or on ARV treatment for ≥ 1 month. Participants will initially receive the study drug in a “tablet for suspension” form which is easier to swallow than the regular study drug tablets. Study drug is provided by the study.
Location: Duke Children’s Health Center
Contact: Stuart Carr 919-668-4849

Integrating Adolescent Mental Health into HIV Prevention and Treatment Programs: Can Implementation Science Pave the Path Forward?
Boshe J, Brtek V, Beima-Sofie K, Braitstein P, Brooks M, Denison J, Donenberg G, Kemigisha E, Memiah P, Njuguna I, Poku O, Roberts ST, Shayo AM, Dow DE.

AIDS Behav. 2022 Nov 2:1-17. doi: 10.1007/s10461-022-03876-2. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 36322219   PMCID: PMC9629193

Understanding Retention in Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Care in the South: Insights from an Academic HIV Prevention Clinic
Burns CM, Borges M, Frye J, Keicher K, Elliott S, Schwartz S, Shipp K, Okeke NL, McKellar MS., AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2022 Apr;38(4):306-312. doi: 10.1089/AID.2021.0177.
PMID: 35172632   PMCID: PMC9048170

Perceptions on HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Urgent Care Clinicians in the Southern United States
Burns CM, Endres K, Farrow L, Mhina C, Cooper A, Silverberg B, McKellar MS, Okeke NL.
Curr HIV Res. 2022;20(3):204-212. doi: 10.2174/1570162X20666220426094920.
PMID: 35473523   PMCID: PMC9562460

Development of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Risk Prediction Model Using Electronic Health Record Data From an Academic Health System in the Southern United States
Burns CM, Pung L, Witt D, Gao M, Sendak M, Balu S, Krakower D, Marcus JL, Okeke NL, Clement ME.
Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jan 13;76(2):299-306. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac775.
PMID: 36125084   PMCID: Not assigned yet

Participant perceptions on the acceptability and feasibility of a telemedicine-based HIV PrEP and buprenorphine/naloxone program embedded within syringe services programs: a qualitative descriptive evaluation
Corneli A, Perry B, Des Marais A, Choi Y, Chen H, Lilly R, Ayers D, Bennett J, Kestner L, Meade CS, Sachdeva N, McKellar MS
Harm Reduct J. 2022 Dec 3;19(1):132. doi: 10.1186/s12954-022-00718-1.
PMID:  36463214   PMCID: PMC9719634

International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) 2018 Study Team., Evaluation of Recombinant Live-Attenuated Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccines RSV/ΔNS2/Δ1313/I1314L and RSV/276 in RSV-Seronegative Children
Cunningham CK, Karron RA, Muresan P, Kelly MS, McFarland EJ, Perlowski C, Libous J, Oliva J, Jean-Philippe P, Moye J, Schappell E, Barr E, Rexroad V, Johnston B, Chadwick EG, Cielo M, Paul M, Deville JG, Aziz M, Yang L, Luongo C, Collins PL, Buchholz UJ;
J Infect Dis. 2022 Dec 13;226(12):2069-2078. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiac253.
PMID: 35732186   PMCID: Not assigned yet

Cost-effectiveness of broadly neutralizing antibody prophylaxis for HIV-exposed infants in sub-Saharan African settings
Dugdale CM, Ufio O, Alba C, Permar SR, Stranix-Chibanda L, Cunningham CK, Fouda GG, Myer L, Weinstein MC, Leroy V, McFarland EJ, Freedberg KA, Ciaranello AL.
J Int AIDS Soc. 2023 Jan;26(1):e26052. doi: 10.1002/jia2.26052.
PMID: 36604316   PMCID: PMC9816086

An Extra Variable to Consider - Vaccine-Induced Seropositivity and Adolescent HIV Vaccine Clinical Trials
Fatola O, Corneli A, Perry B, Hanlen-Rosado E, Nsonwu A, Constantine EP, Thompson AB.
J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2022 Feb 9;piac001. doi: 10.1093/jpids/piac001. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 35139223   PMCID: PMC9155599

Improving Cancer Care in People Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study of Provider Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice
Henry V, Stephens MJ, Galyean P, Young J, Zickmund S, Knettel BA, Bartlett J, Watt MH, Pollak KI, Ubel PA, Fagerlin A, Suneja G.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Jan 29:S0360-3016(23)00092-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.01.045.

PMID: 36724857   PMCID: Not assigned yet

Prevalence and predictors of uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes, and obesity among adults with HIV in northern Tanzania
Hertz JT, Prattipati S, Kweka GL, Mlangi JJ, Tarimo TG, Mmbaga BT, Thielman NM, Sakita FM, Rubach MP, Bloomfield GS, Manavalan P.
Glob Public Health. 2022 Mar 13:1-13. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2022.2049344. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 35282776   PMCID: PMC9468185

Sanaa ya Vijana Youth Collaborative. "I am not alone with tears": embodying stigma and longing among youth living with perinatally acquired HIV in Tanzania through a collaborative arts-based approach
Hosaka KRJ, Mandewo D, Mmbaga BT, Ngowi H, Dow DE, Stewart KA;
Med Humanit. 2022 Dec 16:medhum-2022-012477. doi: 10.1136/medhum-2022-012477. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 36526410   PMCID: Not assigned yet

A group-based mental health intervention for Tanzanian youth living with HIV: Secondary analysis of a pilot trial
Hosaka KRJ, Mmbaga BT, Shayo AM, Gallis JA, Turner EL, O'Donnell KE, Cunningham CK, Boshe J, Dow DE.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Feb 18;101(7):e28693. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000028693.

PMID: 35363163   PMCID: PMC9282032

Non-diphtheriae Corynebacterium species are associated with decreased risk of pneumococcal colonization during infancy
Kelly MS, Plunkett C, Yu Y, Aquino JN, Patel SM, Hurst JH, Young RR, Smieja M, Steenhoff AP, Arscott-Mills T, Feemster KA, Boiditswe S, Leburu T, Mazhani T, Patel MZ, Rawls JF, Jawahar J, Shah SS, Polage CR, Cunningham CK, Seed PC.

ISME J. 2022 Mar;16(3):655-665. doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-01108-4. Epub 2021 Sep 11.
PMC: 34511605   PMCID: PMC8857224

Endemic mycoses: geographical distribution is still a work in progress - Authors' reply
Le T, Pasqualotto AC, Thompson GR 3rd.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2022 Apr;22(4):451-452. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00121-9.

PMC: 35338870   PMCID: Not assigned yet

Frequent Development of Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies in Early Life in a Large Cohort of Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Lucier A, Fong Y, Li SH, Dennis M, Eudailey J, Nelson A, Saunders K, Cunningham CK, McFarland E, McKinney R, Moody MA, LaBranche C, Montefiori D, Permar SR, Fouda GG.
J Infect Dis. 2022 May 16;225(10):1731-1740. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiab629.

PMC: 34962990   PMCID: PMC9113503

Hypertension among adults enrolled in HIV care in northern Tanzania: comorbidities, cardiovascular risk, and knowledge, attitudes and practices
Manavalan P, Madut DB, Hertz JT, Thielman NM, Okeke NL, Mmbaga BT, Watt MH.
Pan Afr Med J. 2022 Apr 7;41:285. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2022.41.285.26952. eCollection 2022.

PMC: 35855029   PMCID: PMC9250670

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of a Gamified Mobile Health Contingency Management Intervention for PrEP Adherence Among Black MSM
Mitchell JT, Burns CM, Atkinson B, Cottrell M, Frye JK, McKellar MS, Kashuba ADM, McClernon FJ, Okeke NL.
AIDS Behav. 2022 Oct;26(10):3311-3324. doi: 10.1007/s10461-022-03675-9. Epub 2022 Apr 13.

PMC: 35416595   PMCID: PMC9474612           

Cervical cancer in Northern Tanzania-What do women living with HIV know
Mrema D, Ngocho JS, Mremi A, Amour M, Machange R, Shayo BC, Alloyce JP, Ndosi E, Shirima BT, Fande D, Shehoza R, Balandya E, Sunguya B, Mshana SE, Mteta AK, Lyamuya E, Bartlett J, Mmbaga BT.
Front Oncol. 2023 Jan 9;12:957325. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.957325. eCollection 2022.

PMC: 36698389   PMCID: PMC9868899

Perspectives of HIV specialists and cardiologists on the specialty referral process for people living with HIV: a qualitative descriptive study
Muiruri C, Corneli A, Cooper L, Dombeck C, Gray S, Longenecker CT, Meissner EG, Okeke NL, Pettit AC, Swezey T, Vicini J, Bloomfield GS.
BMC Health Serv Res. 2022 May 9;22(1):623. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08015-0.

PMC: 35534889   PMCID: PMC9082896

Correlates of Blood Pressure Awareness, Treatment, and Control Among Adults 50 Years or Older by HIV Status in Northwestern Tanzania
Muiruri C, Wajanga B, Kim C, Knettel BA, Mhina CJ, Bartlett JA, Msangi JJ, Msabah MA, Vilme H, Kalluvya S.
Curr Hypertens Rep. 2022 Aug;24(8):259-266. doi: 10.1007/s11906-022-01188-3. Epub 2022 Apr 6.

PMC: 35384578   PMCID: PMC9357024

COVID-19 Trials: Who Participates and Who Benefits?
Narayanasamy S, Mourad A, Turner NA, Le T, Rolfe RJ, Okeke NL, O'Brien SM, Baker AW, Wrenn R, Rosa R, Rockhold FW, Naggie S, Stout JE.
South Med J. 2022 Apr;115(4):256-261. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001374.

PMC: 35365841   PMCID: PMC8945389

Divergent preferences for enhanced HIV testing options among high-risk populations in northern Tanzania: a short report
Ostermann J, Njau B, Hobbie AM, Mtuy TB, Masnick M, Brown DS, Mühlbacher AC, Thielman NM.
AIDS Care. 2022 Sep 5:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2022.2119471. Online ahead of print.
PMC: 36063533   PMCID: PMC9985668

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Potential Cost-Effectiveness of a Novel Mobile Phone Intervention to Promote Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Within Social Networks in Tanzania
Ostermann J, Njau B, Masaki M, Mtuy T, Itemba D, Hobbie A, Yelverton V, Moore S, Yamanis T, Thielman NM.
Sex Transm Dis. 2022 Nov 1;49(11):778-781. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001611. Epub 2022 Jan 29.

PMC: 35093981   PMCID: PMC9329485

Adherence to Optimal Breastfeeding Practices Among HIV-Positive Mothers in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Philemon RN, Mmbaga BT, Bartlett J, Renju J, Mtuy TB, Mboya IB, Msuya SE.
Patient Prefer Adherence. 2022 Mar 30;16:841-852. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S343213. eCollection 2022.
PMC: 35387257   PMCID: PMC8977531

Prevalence and Correlates of Ischemic ECG Findings among Adults With and Without HIV in Tanzania
Prattipati S, Sakita FM, Tarimo TG, Kweka GL, Mlangi JJ, Maro AV, Coaxum LA, Galson SW, Limkakeng AT, Rugakingira A, Urasa SJ, Okeke NL, Mmbaga BT, Bloomfield GS, Hertz JT.
Glob Heart. 2022 Jun 10;17(1):38. doi: 10.5334/gh.1127. eCollection 2022.

PMC: 35837355   PMCID: PMC9187247

Predictors of Self-repackaging of Antiretroviral Therapy in Northern Tanzania
Semvua SK, Kim CY, Muiruri C, Peter TA, Mmbaga BT, Bartlett JA, Zullig LL, Jazowski SA, Knettel BA, Karia FP, Ramadhani HO.
Am J Health Behav. 2022 Apr 20;46(2):124-133. doi: 10.5993/AJHB.46.2.3
PMC: 35501963   PMCID: PMC9300215

Noninvasive Testing and Surrogate Markers in Invasive Fungal Diseases
Thompson GR 3rd, Boulware DR, Bahr NC, Clancy CJ, Harrison TS, Kauffman CA, Le T, Miceli MH, Mylonakis E, Nguyen MH, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Patterson TF, Perfect JR, Spec A, Kontoyiannis DP, Pappas PG.
Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022 Mar 4;9(6):ofac112. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofac112. eCollection 2022 Jun.
PMC: 35611348   PMCID: PMC9124589

Dorothy Dow

Dorothy Dow, M.D.
Clinical Core Co-Director

Thuy Le

Thuy Le, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Core Co-Director
(919) 668-5053

Lance Okeke

Dr. Nwora Lance Okeke
Associate Director
(919) 684-2597

Mehri McKellar

Dr. Mehri McKellar
Associate Director
(919) 613-6129

Stuart Carr

Stuart Carr
Clinical Core Coordinator
(919) 668-4849

Kathy Link

Katherine Link, RN
Clinical Core Regulatory Manager
(919) 668-0161

John Bartlett

John Bartlett, MD

Clinical Core group email: