Dr. Sarah Wilson attends Mentoring Day at CFAR Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Network meeting

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The purpose of the CFAR Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Network (SBSRN) is “to foster cross CFAR collaborations between behavioral and social scientists, to share strategies on how behavioral and social scientists communicate with basic scientists, to provide a forum for the exchange of the most recent information in the behavioral sciences regarding HIV/AIDS, and to mentor the next generation of behavioral social scientists.” SBSRN holds an annual national scientific meeting to reach these goals.

The Duke CFAR SBS Core sponsored Dr. Sarah Wilson, Consulting Associate in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, to attend the Mentoring Day ahead of the 2017 SBSRN National Scientific Meeting in San Francisco, CA, hosted by the UCSF CFAR. Dr. Wilson received a VA Career Development Award for an mHealth approach to smoking cessation among veterans with HIV. At the meeting, she received great feedback on her research and networked with NIH representatives and other mentees. Dr. Wilson was also accepted as a 2018-2020 fellow in the Brown University Clinical and Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research Training Fellowship (CCRT).