Administrative Supplements to Support the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.

The Duke CFAR is eligible to submit a total of FIVE applications for Topics 1-5 (see below).  Please let us know asap if you are interested in submitting an application in response to this administrative supplement opportunity.  NIH due date is April 4, 2022. 

Please see this PDF for the full announcement.

Schedule for Applications  
Announcement:      01/19/2022
Application Due Date:  04/04/2022
Review Date:      05/18/2022
Earliest Anticipated Start Date:   07/01/2022

1. Planning projects to support participatory data science research efforts toward Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States
The maximum funding allowed per application is $200,000 Direct Costs for up to 1 year.

2. Equity-focused approaches to reduce HIV-related health disparities
The maximum funding allowed per application is $200,000 Direct Costs/year for up to 2 years.

3. Strategic alliances across jurisdictions to reach EHE goals through implementation research
The maximum funding allowed per application is $250,000 Direct Costs for up to 1 year.

4. Applying behavioral economic approaches to design implementation strategies for HIV testing, prevention, and care
The maximum funding allowed per application is $200,000 Direct Costs for up to 1 year.

5. Implementation Strategies to Facilitating a Status Neutral Approach to HIV Prevention and Treatment
The maximum funding allowed per application is $200,000 Direct Costs for up to 1 year.

6. New EHE CFAR/ARC Implementation Science Consultation Hubs
The maximum funding allowed per application is $250,000 Direct Costs for up to 1 year. Each Center is only allowed to be involved in one implementation science hub. Therefore, CFARs and ARCs currently affiliated with an existing implementation science hub are ineligible to apply to this topic. However, existing hubs without FY2022 funding approved in FY2021 should also submit an application.
